Thursday, October 31, 2019

An analysis of the impact of organizational innovation on the Dissertation

An analysis of the impact of organizational innovation on the organizational effectiveness-The case of Dell computer - Dissertation Example I would also like to thank my English teacher, ----------, who has supported me through the entire phase of the study. He has provided significant assistance towards improving my critical thinking ability, English speaking and writing skills as well as research skills. I am grateful to my parents, who have always assisted me and enhanced my motivation level. This dissertation was only possible due to their faith and positive aspect on me. Lastly, I would like to thank you all for believing in me and permitting me to chase my dreams. Executive Summary Innovation is often referred to as the driver of business or a way by which new ideas sees the light of the day in the form of different products or services. Hence, the definition makes it clear that innovation is a vital component of business. Moreover, this is the fundamental basis of value creation in organizations and is a vital enabler of competitive advantage. The importance of innovation increases to a large extent when the marke t is saturated. Similarly for Dell Computers, innovation can act as a key factor driving the business. The computer Hardware industry is being leaded by Hewlett Packard and Lenovo, but companies such as Dell have fallen behind due to the lack of innovation the system. This study therefore tried to analyze the impact of organizational innovation on the organizational effectiveness, identify the business strategy of Dell and simultaneously recommend the most fitting or appropriate strategy by which Dell can overtake Hewlett Packard as the global leader in personal computer. The study revealed that innovation is a critical element of business and companies around the world are trying to integrate it with their products, services and process delivery. It has been also identified that Dell is pursuing â€Å"broad differentiation strategy†. Although, this is allowing the company to cater to various market segments, but they were recommended to pursue best cost provider strategy. Ta ble of Contents CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 Background of the Study 8 1.2 Dell Computers: A Brief Overview 8 1.3 Rationale behind Choosing Dell 9 1.4 Economic Relevance and Scope of the Study 9 1.5 Problem Statement 10 1.6 Aims and Objectives of the Study 10 1.7 Research Questions 10 1.8 Overview of the Academic Literature 10 1.9 Methods of Study 11 1.10 Functions of Sections 11 CHAPTER II – GENERAL LITERATURE REVIEW 11 2.1 Defining Terms 11 2.2 Organizational Innovation: A Theoretical Framework 13 2.3 Significance of Innovation in Business 15 2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Innovation in Organizations 16 2.5 Innovation as a Driver of Competitiveness 18 2.6 Impact of Product Line Extension and Diversification on Companies 18 2.7 Business Strategy & its Elements 20 2.8 Summary 21 CHAAPTER III - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Research Philosophy 22 3.1.1 Positivism 22 3.1.2 Interpretivism 23 3.1.3 Activist Philosophy 23 3.2 Research Approach 23 3.2.1 Deductive Approach 24 3 .3 Time Horizon 25 3.3.1 Cross Sectional Time Horizon 25 3.3.2 Longitudinal Time Horizon 25 3.4 Data Collection Method and Sampling 26 3.5.1 Questionnaire Survey 26 3.5.2 Focus Group Interview 27 3.5.3 Sampling 27 3.6 Data Validity and Reliability 29 3.7 Ethical Considerations 29 3.8 Limitations of the Study 30 CHAPTER 4 – DATA FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS 31 4.1 Findings from the Secondary Survey 31 4.1.1 Innovation in Dell 31 4.1.2 Dell Business Competitors 32 4.3 Business Strategy of Dell 32 4.2Findings from the

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