Monday, December 23, 2019

The Road Of The Trail Of Tears - 1334 Words

The Trail of Tears has been one of the most controversial government sponsored events in American History. Was America justified in destroying a culture in its pursuit of Manifest Destiny, or did they feel it was their only option in this matter at the time? Based on research, I feel that the American policy of Indian removal and relocation was extremely unethical and unjustified in its motives and execution. Before Europeans arrived in present-day America, the Native Americans were living on millions of acres of land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated. Many Native Americans were initially somewhat willing to share land with original settlers. However, when settlers began taking land that already belonged to the Natives,†¦show more content†¦Cherokee Indians and some Choctaw Indians attempted to follow these guide lines and blend in with Americans, sending their children to schools and some even started to own slaves. Even though many Cherokee and Choctaw Indians tr ied to assimilate with the American culture, they were still forced out of their homeland and were rarely truly accepted by the white population as anything other than tamer savages. Despite the Native’s attempts to conform to society, they were still discriminated against, losing their land, homes, and property. As white settlers began to realize the value of the Native’s land, many began to encroach west after the Louisiana Purchase. Settler’s wished to use the land for plantations and farms. As the desire and need for more land grew, the state governments began to realize the futility of trying to contain the settlers’ attitude of Manifest Destiny and they soon joined in making laws that would limit the rights of the Native Americans. The Supreme Court attempted to stop this harsh treatment of the Natives, but were ultimately ignored as the harsh treatment continued. Southern states were determined to have the Native’s land for their own and they felt this was reinforced

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