Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tax Dollars Should Fund Religious Schools Essay - 640 Words

Tax Dollars Should Fund Religious Schools The issue of whether or not to use tax dollars to provide private schools with vouchers has been controversial for many years now. Many people feel that it is our governments obligation to provide private institutions with the proper funds, while others believe that if private schools inherit our tax dollars then it is violation of our constitution as it promotes a particular religion. I think it is our governments responsibility to provide each and every school with tax dollars, regardless of its orientation. Many reasons, especially popularity and success rates provide substantial evidence that private schools should be funded by government vouchers. The main concern of those who†¦show more content†¦In addition there is no evidence supporting that it is unconstitutional to involve the state with religion or that anyone was coerced into practicing religion. The Supreme Court ruled in Everson vs. Board of Education that the taxes that would be spent would be for a public purpose; that being educating children. That is the purpose of our government to provide education to our children. In the Supreme Court case Mitchell vs. Helms the court ruled that taxpayers money can be used to provide certain materials for religious schools. So obviously it is not unconstitutional to fund private schools if they already decided to give materials to these schools. Therefore there is no evidence supporting the fact that the publics taxes should not go to private schools. Our job as a community and a society is to provide children with education. It should not matter what school these students choose to attend, we should still provide them with the opportunity to learn. As stated in USA Today, 47% of school-age students would use private schools if they had the right resources. Students should be able to decide where they want to get their education. The more a student likes their environment, the more apt they are to learning. We should not deprive them of learning in any form. By not funding these schools we are in fact then depriving the students. According to the Wall Street Journal, voucher students are more likely to stay in school, learn more,Show MoreRelatedEssay on No Tax Dollars for Religious Education661 Words   |  3 PagesNo Tax Dollars for Religious Education Tax dollars are your money at work.   Do you want your money to go to fund private religious schools?   Tax dollars should not fund religious education because it is a violation of the separation of church and state clause of the first amendment to the constitution. 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